Samuel & Tracy Recalde Newsletter
Dear Praying friends,
Greetings from Paraguay. We hope this letter finds you rejoicing in the many blessings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
First of all, we want to thank you for your faithful prayers and support! We are encouraged knowing that you are praying for us and and partnering with us in our ministry.
Please continue to pray for the New Tribes Mission Mobilization work which we are involved with here in Paraguay. We have started the 2013 mobilization ministry off with a busy year so far, as we continue to encourage and challenge the local churches and to assist them in training, equipping, and sending National missionaries to plant churches among the unreached Tribal People of Paraguay and around the world.
Samuel has been blessed with several opportunities to speak at youth rallies, Bible Institutes and Churches. He has also taught several Bible classes here in Asuncion and also in smaller towns and out in the country. Please continue to pray that hearts and lives will be challenged and that the pastors and their churches will catch the vision for planting tribal churches and that they will not rely so much on foreign missionaries who must first learn the language.
Tracy keeps busy as secretary for the New Tribes Mission in Paraguay Mobilization department and overseeing the Spanish Resources and communications as well as maintaining contact with and encouraging the young Paraguayans who are in the NTM missionary training program at this time.
Another blessing was Samuel participating in a Latin American youth conference here in Asuncion, Paraguay.
400 young people from several different countries attended and Samuel along with another New Tribes Mission missionary enjoyed teaching them for 6 days about missions and explaining to them how New Tribes Mission works to reach Tribal People for Christ.
In February, Samuel was invited to help teach a Bible study for several days at a Bible Institute which is held in one of the local churches here. There were 38 students who attended the classes.
This year, we are continuing to help teach a Bible class one weekend of each month out in the country town of Ca’aguazu the same as last year.
Paraguayan Economy
The dollar exchange has dropped dramatically in the last few months here in Paraguay while prices continue to rise.
Please pray for us to have wisdom in budgeting and use of the funds that God provides for us. God is faithful!
Easter and Baptism at the Indian Colony
Please pray for Samuel, as he will be spending a week out at the Indian Colony, where we worked for many years. Several new believers from there have expressed a desire to be baptized and so the church leaders asked for Samuel to come and teach on baptism at Easter time.
We are so excited and praising God for the way that the Church there is growing!
Please pray especially for us as It has been a bit of an adjustment to be working without co-workers again and we need wisdom to know which responsibilities to take on and where to focus our time and energies in order to best serve God where He has placed us here in Paraguay.
Thank you so much for your support and prayers!
Thank you for being our co-workers!
In Christ’s Service,