New Tribes Mission is now Ethnos360 and this is the new name and logo!
Dear Praying Friends,
As we celebrate 75 years since New Tribes Mission was founded, we’re excited at what God has done and continues to do in missions around the world.
In our last letter, we mentioned a couple of upcoming New Tribes Mission Organizational changes and these two changes have taken place:
1. New Tribes Mission USA has moved its Home Offices (Headquarters) to a different building still in Sanford, Florida, just down the street from the old building which had become very moldy and high maintenance! Please make a note of our new address:
Samuel & Tracy Recalde C/o Ethnos360
312 W 1st St
Sanford, FL 32771
*If you are using EFT with NTM, you do not need to change anything.
2. We are also excited to share that New Tribes Mission USA has a new name. As of 4/28/2017 the official name of New Tribes Mission USA was changed to Ethnos360. (*Note:This name change applies only to NTM USA, however NTM Canada has notified us that they will also be getting a new name soon that will be similar to Ethnos360) Ethnos means “ethnic group” or “nations.” It’s the Greek word from Matthew 28:19, when Christ commanded His followers to “make disciples of all nations.” 360 represents the entire globe —all 360 degrees. This new name represents those people groups around the world to whom our Lord was referring and these are the ones NTM has always been committed to reach. Those of every tribe, tongue, people and nation.
Why have we changed our name from New Tribes Mission USA to Ethnos360? Because we face new challenges in a changing world where it has become apparent that the words “Tribes” and “Mission” had become obstacles. New Tribes is working with some people groups who don’t like being called Tribes and some who don’t like the idea of being a “New Tribe” since some have had some type of church influence in the past. We are also working in countries where missions is restricted. We missionaries are all still getting used to the new name. It is a huge adjustment, especially for those of us MKs (missionary kids) who were born and raised under the umbrella of New Tribes Mission, but we don’t want to cling to an old name that could be a hindrance to planting churches among the least reached people groups on this Earth. Our founders had a vision for reaching the world: “By unflinching determination we hazard our lives and gamble all for Christ until we have reached the last Tribe regardless of where that Tribe might be.” (Brown Gold magazine, Issue 1, May 1943) Our vision is the same today as it was 75 years ago. In Mark 16:15 Jesus said, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” It is still the Same Organization with the Same Vision, and we are still the Same Missionaries with the Same Calling, But With a New Name. Check out our mission organization’s new website at:
Thank you for your partnership in the ministry God has given us with Ethnos360 serving at NTM Homes!
In Christ’s Service,
Samuel & Tracy Recalde & Family