. . . and it’s a lot of work. Right now our focus is studying the national language of Tok Pisin (Melanesian Pidgin). Learning the language and culture is important so that we can communicate clearly and develop quality relationships with PNG (Papua New Guinea) citizens.
Language learning is broken down into four levels: Basic, Progressing, Capable, and Proficient (the highest level). Each of those stages is further broken down into Low, Middle, High. As missionary support staff, we’re expected to reach the level of Capable-Low before we begin our assigned roles.
We both had our first language evaluations in the middle of March and both scored ‘Basic-High.’ We are scheduled to have our second evaluations the first week of May. If you’re wondering what language learning looks like. It looks like study sessions with a national language helper 2-3 times a week, studying our notes, listening to recordings of the language, reading books in Tok Pisin, and going out into the neighboring village to practice what we’ve learned. Repeat.

Fortunately for us, Tok Pisin is a relatively easy language for English speakers to learn. There are between 1,500 and 2,500 words in Tok Pisin depending on the region. In contrast the average English speaker uses about 20,000 words in their regular vocabulary. Consequently, it’s pretty common for one word in Tok Pisin to have multiple meanings depending on context. For example ‘sol’ can mean shoulder, soul, or salt. ‘Pas’ can mean stuck, a written letter, ahead, lock, blocked, firm, or tight (7 meanings!). And then there’s plenty of combining two words to make a third word: ‘ai’ = eye, ‘pas’ = blocked, ‘ai pas’ = blind. You get the idea.

Thank you for continuing to pray for us as we learn language and adjust to raising our family in a new country and culture. Just like everyone, we have good days and bad days, and we need God’s grace every day. We’re hoping to pass our language test this summer so that Travis can begin working in the aviation department. Travis was able to travel to the SIL clinic to get his flight physical in March (he passed) and is working on getting a test date for his national flight exam so he can complete that around the same time we finish up language learning.
Thank you for your prayers, encouragement, and support as we serve church planters is PNG through aviation!
Travis & Becky
P.S. You can read stories and see pictures of current church planting works going on in PNG on the NTMPNG facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/NTMPNG
The Lesickas | c/o New Tribes Mission | PO Box 1079 | Goroka, EHP 441 | Papua New Guinea