Second quarter, the middle school students made hygiene packs as gifts to give out to people during their ministry outreach in December. (These are “shoe boxes” filled with soap, food, etc.) They had a contest between the four barkadas/groups to see who could bring the most. We collected over 1000 hygiene packs! Grade 6 ministered to a local school. Grade 7 ministered to

two communities close to our campus, and Grade 8 ministered at a hospital in a city nearby. We gave these people a hygiene pack, a gospel track, a wordless bracelet, and verbally witnessed to them and prayed for them. We praise God that many prayed to receive Christ as their Savior. It was exciting to see our students ministering.
Walter and staff introduced this year’s theme for Outdoor Education week at the end of the quarter. The theme is World War 2 history and visiting the actual sights. The students were divided into squads of about 10 students and a squad leader. It was quite an exciting time for them as they learned who their squad and leader will be. The squads had their first meeting the last day of school, picking their name and bonding together. They will have more squad meetings in January preparing their ministry activity and getting to know each other. Walter will be busy making arrangements at the different sites and prepping his staff for their jobs during the week. I will be going again as the nurse. Please pray for all the preparations as well as the staff and students. Pray that this will be an enriching time in the lives of these students, especially spiritually.
Walter continues to be busy as an administrator with meetings. As a principal, it is his joy to just observe hallway traffic and classrooms. As he towers over middle school students, he works hard at developing a healthy rapport with staff and students, being gracious with shy people. Even shy middle school girls will come into his office for a piece of candy (bribery still works) or he invites a group of students to eat lunch with him on Friday afternoons. Continue to pray for him as there are many unpleasant tasks as a principal, but he desires to share God’s grace in their lives and encourage those lives he touches.
We are praising God that we have a part-time middle school counselor. We also praise God that Walter’s dad was able to come home from the hospital in November. He is doing much better now that he is home with family.
Thank you for praying for us and our ministry here at Faith Academy,
Walter and Cheryl Spicer
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