Summer, 2015
Heavily laden with Bible materials, food and gas, the various dugout canoes wound their way back to the villages, returning the Piapoco leaders home. Their time here was very encouraging, both for them and for us.
Faithful men teaching others. They were learning deep truths about God that they had never heard, truths that God’s Word tells of His love, His mercy, His hate for sin, His faithfulness to His Word, and much more. For two weeks they listened to Wayne, Eliezer and Reinaldo teach them the first part of the Evangelism lessons, beginning in Genesis. How encouraging to hear their responses and see their participation as Wayne would ask different ones to tell about certain characteristics of God. Wayne asked W. to point out the stories that told how God is true to His Word. He began at the beginning picture and went through the 27 lessons that showed how God always does what He says He will do. We are amazed at how well he retained the key points of the Scripture and how well he communicated to others.
The Reactions. There were many positive comments from the Piapocos during this two week seminar. Old Hector recalled, ‘I heard some of these stories years ago, but I didn’t really know about the teaching that God wants us to know, and the history of the Bible. I’m excited about learning more about God from the Old Testament.’
‘We can’t do good things to God,’ R. concluded, ‘ because we are sinners and He is holy, but we can give Him thanks.’
Enthusiastically G. said, ‘When I get back to my village, I want to teach them this story about Cain and Abel. Is it ok if I teach them this story?’ Of course, Wayne reassured him, and any of what they were learning could be shared with others.
All of them were impressed and told us, ‘We are so glad that we can hear this teaching in our own language. We have heard some in Spanish, but didn’t understand it that much.’ And they all want to come back, later in the year, to hear the rest of the teaching.
Pray for these Piapocos. Although they all are considered church leaders, some of them may not truly know the Lord as Savior. May the Light of the Word make clear in their hearts and minds the True message of Salvation.
Pray for the Lord’s direction on the next seminar to conclude the teaching and begin training them to teach the lessons in their villages. Hosting this large group will be a challenge. For this first time, a local church here played a huge role in hosting the four different tribal groups who participated: Piapoco, Puinave, Guahibo and Curipaco, each hearing the teaching in their own language. How we thank the Lord for His provision and for the many Christians here who gave of their time and efforts.
Eager to return. ‘It’s still not safe for you to go where we live,’ the Piapocos told Wayne, ‘so we will come back to hear the rest of the teaching.’ Then they agreed to pay their way down river, while we pay their way to go back home.
You and many others have prayed for this time to come, when the jungle Piapocos would have the chance to hear clear teaching in their own language, God’s message to them of the Promised Savior and His plan of salvation, a message that they will be able to pass onto the others. Thank you for standing with us in this ministry.