Updated Prayer Card!
This is a quick post to share our updated prayer card. If you want to print it as a photo, it should print as a 4×6 print quite easily. We’d be happy to mail you one as well, just drop us a line!

North Wahgi New Testament!
This Christmas, the North Wahgi believers of Jiwaka Province will celebrate God’s faithfulness to bring them His Word in their heart language. Five hundred North Wahgi New Testaments are on their way! Praise the Lord with us for the completion of this thirteen-year translation project and pray for the impact He will have through it. […]

Winter needs
If you’re reading this, you probably know that we’re heading back to the midwest US in January (yeah, question our sanity now). Because we’re coming from a perpetually tropical climate, our kids will be arriving to freezing Chicago in sandals and shorts. We’re hoping to collect some hand-me-down clothing that could be waiting at our […]
We want every people group on earth to hear of the gospel of Christ so that they may be saved from their sins and enjoy a relationship with their creator, the Lord Jesus Christ. That has always been our desire! When we were asked, “What’s your role in world missions?” though, we were forced to truly consider our role. Now we’re in Papua New Guinea serving the missionaries who are reaching the lost with the news of salvation by keeping ...