We are heading for Mexico!
Two weeks ago I wrote you an email letting you know how far Amy & I were away from heading to Mexico. Within one week of us praying together for my support, I got it all plus some more! Here’s how it went. Each day, my support went up a bit, some days by a lot, others by a little. But each day it went up. Then on Monday I went past 60% & reached 62%! Tuesday Amy & I found out that we need to get to Texas on February 24th! Wednesday & Thursday I started to tell some friends & let things start soaking in – Amy & I are moving to Mexico! Now I’m starting to plan for my last few weeks in Oregon & travel plans on the way to Colorado. I’ll be leaving Oregon on February 18 or 19th, arriving in Texas on February 24th, and entering Mexico soon after!
It is so amazing to me at how quickly my support went up! It truly is a huge answer to our prayers for these last two years. And it’s an answer at how faithful God is to us, just by listening and responding to us according to His plan & will!
Here’s what my current checklist is looking like: praying, taxes, Mexican car insurance, packing, saying goodbyes, planning for the road trip, praying, getting things fixed on my car, a dentist appointment, and of course there will be some more things that will get added to my checklist!
Thank you to all of you who have been praying for me as I’ve been working on heading to Mexico, and for some of you it’s been almost 2 years! I am so excited at how God has worked through friends, family & believers that I’ve not met to provide for both Amy’s support and mine!
Thank you so much for your prayers. If you have any questions, please let me know!
Heading to Mexico,