We are going strong here at the Ranch. This year we are focusing on the missionary life course for the students, last year we focused on the technical course. This year they will have Christian life classes, Teamwork, parenting class, marrieds class, single co-workers (I’ll teach this one in 2013 springtime), Tribal Church Planting, Animism, New Testament Church Planting, culture, and so many more. We have 9 returning students & 2 new ones – Hector & Amy, Hector needs to finish the two years of training. I continue to stay busy with working in the office, organizing the weekly prayer groups & translating missionary prayer requests from around the world, helping and working with the team of teachers here too. Last Friday we celebrated Mexico’s Independence Day with a party, and each house brought a Mexican dish to share – there was such good food, and a fun time was had by all!
Orientation week with Rick & Eunice Johnson
During our first week of classes, we participated with the Mexican Bible School in the city and attended the orientation week with Rick & Eunice Johnson. He was a single missionary serving in a tribe in South America, a church planter in Tijuana Mexico, and is now the leader of Action International. Rick & Eunice take time each August to come visit Chihuahua City in order to participate in the orientation at the Bible School and encourage believers to take a more active roll in missions and spreading the Gospel. He has a passion for encouraging everyone! I really enjoyed his sharing and encouragement from the word each day.
Youth Group
I have taken on a leadership role in my church with the Youth Group & Young Adults. I have been involved in this group since moving to Mexico, and for different reasons over the course of two years the leaders have left/transitioned out of youth ministry and left us. So after working my way through the ranks, my church now considers me a leader along with a guy, Jahaziel, & a married couple from my church, Ruben & Margarita. We’ve already had some good Bible studies & we are gaining a biblical perspective on different areas in our lives. Our current topic that we are studying is dating, which is a huge part of their lives because of the influence of society.
Survey Trip
Tomorrow I leave for a trip to Baja California to see if there is a possibility of joining a tribal team over there. I’ll be checking out the possibility of joining the Mixteco team. Please be praying for this trip and opportunity. I need wisdom in seeing what God has next for me.
Orientation week at the Bible School
Saying goodbye to Judit – my good friend & mentor at the church
Morning Devotions with coffee 🙂
A promise from God
Viva Mexico!
Celebrating Mexico’s Independence Day
– for the 11 students that God has here at the Ranch
– the team of teachers that I’m a part of here
– two tribal locations (Triqui & Tarahumara) that are hearing God’s word in their own language for the first time
– for the last couple of weeks with rain – everything is green!
– this month my youth pastor when I was in high school came down to visit Mexico & share at a retreat for the missionary kids. It was so good catching up & having someone from “home” come visit.
– for my friends, family & churches that continue supporting me faithfully through prayers, encouragement & finances
Prayer Requests ::
– future plans for next summer to visit Oregon – I’m thinking of taking a 2 month home assignment time to be able to visit family, churches, supporters & buy a small SUV
– future plans for selling my car & buying a new one
– for God to provide me with a co-worker & tribe to go to
– for me as I work on a multi-culture team & with the students here – that I can be sensitive & understanding
– as I co-lead the youth group & young people at my church
– understanding God’s plan for my life – I have made some plans in the last weeks/months and God keeps saying “not yet/no”. Pray for patience for me during these times of waiting and to remember that He is in control.
– protection from snakes, black widows, centipedes, tarantulas, etc. here at the Ranch – let’s just say I’ve smashed 5 black widows, 2 centipedes, and found a few tarantulas in front of my house :S