Stephen and Ginger posted an article about us and our ministry with them in the Philippines on their blog called Grandpartners. You can read it at Or you can read it below!
Please pray for safety and wisdom as Darryl oversees the construcion of the new church building this month. The villagers will be building about 600 cement blocks.
As grandparents, they enjoy spending time with our kids, playing ping-pong and going on bike rides.
As partners, they have sought to make relationships throughout the village with both believers and unbelievers. They attend all the activities including Church, Evangelistic Outreach, Kid’s Bible Club, and Youth Group.
They also seek ways to assist us and lighten our work load. Darryl has helped us with at least three men in our village by taking them to the hospital and doctor check-ups. Becky helps Ginger every other week by making goodies to serve at Youth Group and at the new evangelistic outreach. This is just a couple of ways they have helped us.
Lord willing, we will begin the construction of the new church building next month. We have asked Darryl to oversee the daily work of the construction. This new building is a big project and we imagine Stephen will need to be involved, but Stephen also needs to continue working on Bible lessons. So, Darryl and Becky will greatly relieve us by overseeing the work on the new building.
We are so thankful to have them here with us both as grandparents and partners.
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