Could you imagine building a church or a house with no electric tools? Each week, we have a crew of about 12 men who are laboring away at the construction of Faith Bible Church . . . by hand.
By hand they have:
- made over 1000 hollow blocks;
- dug 22 “holes” for the footing of 22 cement columns. Each hole, they removed 100 cubic feet of dirt;
- cut hundreds of rebar;
- bent rebar for footings, foundations, and columns;
- mixed over 200 bags of cement, all by hand.
As of last Friday, all the footings, foundations, and columns have been poured. Walls are now being constructed and a perimeter cement beam is now being prepared and hopefully finished within four weeks. Again, all by hand.
At the same time, steel trusses are being made in “town”. Lord willing, the installation of the trusses and roof will begin in May. This part of the construction, we have needed to contract out and have someone in town make and install the trusses and roof.
Emil and Jonathan, digging holes by hand.