Building up a Church
April 17, 2019 by Stephen and Ginger Jordan
As many of you know, over the last few months we have been in the midst of constructing a new church building. This church is made of cement, rebar, and soon trusses and a roof will be installed. But we don’t just want to “build a church”. Rather, and more importantly, we want to “build up a church”. That is, we want to encourage and challenge the believers to live for Jesus, both within the new church building and without, that is in the village as representatives of Christ to their unsaved neighbors.
With this desire, we offered all the believers, 15 years old and up, to go to a two-week Christian Training Camp. This camp is held on the southern tip of our island and is an 8-hour trip via public transportation from our village. This past Sunday, nine believers arrived at this camp. Among them are two of our church leaders and their wives. Stephen also went down and spent two days with them. This camp is a three-year training program. The first year is very basic with classes on: “Creation to Christ”, Personal Evangelism, Doctrine 1, Leadership, Music, and more. For most of the believers, this will be basic for them. But at the same time, it will be a huge encouragement to them. If they return to the camp in the following years, the classes will get deeper and will include more training on teaching, both kids and adults. Our hope and desire are that they will return to the village on fire and excited to live for Jesus. We appreciate your prayers for these believers. May their lives be changed for God’s glory.
Three of “our” teens attending the camp and studying God’s Word.
“Our” whole group together at the camp.
106 campers came from all over the island.
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