I recently read the accomplishments of an aging man, who, as a young man, established himself quite well in life to train and equip people with specialty skills used in the movie making industry. While his accolades are many, that’s really all he has when he leaves this life. Yes, his legacy will live on but so far as his eternal destiny, one expressed it dimly when he said “I guess it just doesn’t get any better than that.” How sad to make a name for oneself and lose your soul. …Or worse yet, reaching out to such ones and seeing such a care-free attitude about what matters most.
As I reflect upon our work among unreached people in hard to reach places I am reminded of a thought that occurred to me over and over again as I thought about the fate of lost tribesmen. Up until that time in the history of the world such ones never had an opportunity to embrace the gospel because no one ever came to bring them the message. I’d often ask… “Is the destiny of lost men really their fate? …Or is it our failure to do something in reaching them?
Would we casually say “too bad?” Would we express of the lost as was said of the man who achieved great accomplishments in life, “I guess it just doesn’t get any better than that.”
This summer as we get to minister to hundreds of kids, our hearts are touched to think that the words we speak may bring about the awareness of their need for Christ. While our focus of ministry is that of mobilizing Harvest laborers, we can’t help but see, foremost, the responsibility of pointing little ones to God. Yes, their eternity lies in the balance… they need Jesus.
Each day provides opportunity for each of us to share our faith with those in our pathway. We must be ready always to reach out to those perishing, just as Ezekiel felt the weight of responsibility in watching for the souls of those around him. Might the constraining love of Christ motivate us in our day to day witness, rather than seeing the lost dying in their sin and saying of them, “I guess it just doesn’t get any better than that.”
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