Have you ever thought about what possesses people to walk away from perfectly good careers with great salaries and good benefits; away from a substantial retirement portfolio; away from nice homes or away from a dream vacation to pursue reaching out to people who remain unengaged with the gospel? …Or as Jesus said in Matthew 19, “leaving houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children.” That’s putting it all on the line. Most people nowadays would say you got to be a little touched in the head to do something like that.
But didn’t Jesus also say that those who leave such things for His Name’s sake will
receive a hundred times as much in return, and will inherit eternal life? Well, we
already embraced eternity so the motivation to take others with us was an inviting
challenge we felt worth the cost of ‘going.’ …But receiving one hundred fold? I don’t
think we ever thought about that.
Now let me put your mind at ease. Although we walked away from careers and gave
up our material goods to reach people for Jesus, I can’t say we have received one
hundred times or even twice what we had before we began this journey in missions.
…But I CAN tell you we are blessed and that it’s been a journey worth walking; a
journey of faith and trust in telling lost people about the empty tomb.
We’re not alone… there are plenty others a little touched in the head who have made it their ambition to invest their lives for God’s glory in showing the way to Christ among some of the world’s most isolated people groups. They come from all walks of life: investors, lawyers, school teachers, CEO’s, pastors, pilots, farmers, ditch diggers, musicians, doctors, dentists… and a whole lot of business people and common laborers. People who see the value of a lost soul, and people who want to follow Jesus no matter where it takes them.
We once lived among former headhunters and now WE are the headhunters, looking for those who will consider their worldly goods no more the value of rubble, and seeing the treasure of lost people worth the cost of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. It is to this end we spend our days reaching out as missions mobilizers among young people, among families and individuals who will step to the plate and allow God to touch their hearts with the challenge to make disciples among the ‘ethnos’ of the world.
The bottom line is WE NEED LABORERS!
Who can you commend to us that we might challenge? …And who are you praying for, now, that God might touch their hearts with compassion in going to those still waiting to hear the gospel.
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