Hello Friends,
Winter is finally giving way to Spring in Durham. We love the flowers and green grass, and the rabbits and raccoons are fun to have around. For culture class we have been busy with preparation of Bible lessons for chronological teaching from Genesis through the life of Christ. In practical class we have received some great teaching on dealing with our attitudes as well as hearing a number of different missionaries sharing their works.
As for baby news, he or she has been very active and is growing quickly. Shari has been doing great except for some recent back pain- please pray. We have been taking childbirth classes and learning all about how to huff and puff. We are getting more excited as each week passes, and there are only about 5 weeks to go! (due date: June 14)
1 John 1:7 “But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanseth us from all sin”
God’s Word says: “If we walk” because sometimes we don’t. Think about it. Now look at 1 Jn. 1:9 it says: “If we confess” because sometimes we don’t. We have choices to make: to walk in the light is the right choice, but it often isn’t the easiest.
Coming soon: In a couple of weeks the 1st term of classes will end and our schedule will change to all-day work detail (only David). This will be when we start serious jungle camp preparations. It will take a lot of planning and the Lord’s strength to get the equipment together – food, tools, building material. – please pray
love, David and Shari