Bible Reading
Genesis 1-2
Devotional Thoughts
Starting off a new year, Robin and I are starting over in our journey through the Bible. One thing I have become more conscience of in my Bible reading recently has been the references to God being our Father. I have seen many references to how, God as our Father, parents His kids (us). So, as I read this year, I am going to be watching for that.
I also want to continue studying and looking for what it means to be an image bearer of God. As I read through the first few chapters of Genesis, I thought it was interesting how both of these ideas came out and even are working together..
In Genesis 1:26 God says, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” From the very beginning God established his family resemblance. Today’s English Version (which I thought I would use for my reading this year) translated Gen 1:26 like this, “And now we will make human beings; they will be like us and resemble us.” From the very beginning, God as our Father, created us to resemble Him. When we apply that to the concept of us being part of God’s family, we see that as one of His kids, He desired for us to bear His family resemblance!
Gen 2:15-17 God abundantly provided everything Adam would need. He created the absolutely perfect environment for Adam, and took him by the hand and put him in that very place. But, as a loving Father, God knew that just being a “sugar daddy” would not produce love, respect, and obedience. God wanted Adam to love him out of His own free choice, will and desire. The only way that would happen would be for God to give him a test… a choice… one “work,” to prove Adam’s loyalty. In essence that choice was asking Adam, “Do you trust my loving care for you? If you trust me, and believe I love you and have given you everything you need, then don’t eat from this one tree… I am telling you that you don’t need it!”
This is what God does in our lives every day. Every day Satan tempts us with the same thing he tempted Adam and Eve with. “Are you sure God really said…” “I think God is holding out on you. He knows that if you eat that, you will know good and evil.” Adam and Eve only knew good. God knew they didn’t need to know evil. He was asking them to trust Him He did know what was best. But, they chose to believe the devils lie instead.
God is never holding out on us. He gives us exactly what He knows we need, in every moment. He just asks that we trust Him, and believe that what He is doing right now, at this moment, is His very best for us!
Wow! How different would life be if we lived in complete confidence and trust in God in every moment and every circumstance? I certainly want to learn to trust my heavenly Father much more than I do.
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