The Passage: Luke 5:1-11
In Luke 5:1-11 after preaching to the crowds from Peter’s boat, Jesus had a personal lesson for Peter. As God’s Word in the flesh and the light that reveals men’s hearts, Jesus was turning the lights on in Peter’s heart. After seeing Jesus authority over nature, it revealed to Peter that Jesus was, without question, the Messiah. With the recognition that he was standing in the presence of the Messiah, the coming king, God Himself, that revelation caused Peter to seriously evaluate who He was, and what kind of person he was. The result? Luke 5:8 “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord.”
The Plan: As I ask these questions of myself, I encourage you to ask them too.
- What can I learn from this? What is God saying to me and my life from this passage?
Ian Thomas in chapter 34 of “The Indwelling Life of Christ” said this, “The moment of truth comes when you quit exchanging courtesies with the flesh and repudiate it to its face, naming it for the treacherous, wicked, worthless, satanic hostililty toward God, that it is.” What will it take for us to call sin for what it is and stop trying to clean up the flesh?
Ian Thomas also said in that chapter, “It was never God’s purpose to improve the flesh, to educate it or to tame it, let alone Christianize it. It has always been God’s purpose that the flesh—condemned, sentenced, and crucified with Jesus Christ—might be left buried in the tomb and replaced by the resurrection Life of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.”
When Peter was confronted with the full understanding of who Jesus was, he was able to see his flesh and his sinfulness clearly. This is why we need to be in the Word daily, spending time with Jesus. He has a personal lesson for each one of us every day! He desires to control of our mind, will and emotions through the Holy Spirit. But, as long as we allow the flesh to control us, He will not.
- What do I need become more aware of?
What are the areas of sin that I allow to stay in my heart? Where do I dabble with teh flesh and try to control it or think I can tame it?
- How does God want me to engage with this? What does He want me to do because of what He is saying here?
What habits do I need to change? What things do I need to remove from my life that I allow to feed my flesh?
The Power; Implement and Integrate
The power to change is in the implementation and integration. We can talk all we want, make lots of plans, but until we do something about it, and develop habits that integrate those truths, we will never change. What is the one thing I need to do as a result of this study today?
Lord, show me my sinfulness and help me to see it for the treacherous, wicked, worthless, satanic hostililty toward God, that it is. May I apply Eph 5:3 and not even entertain a hint of sexual sin, or any sin for that matter!
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