Since we were awake at 4 AM this morning, I had lots of time to read and talk to the Father. This morning as I read, and thought about the challenges we are facing, it’s hard to understand what He is doing, behind the scenes, in all these things. But, I was really encouraged by what I read, so I thought I would share it with you guys this morning. I pray this will encourage you as well.
Psalm 33:4. The word of the Lord, holds true. We can trust everything he does.
David reminds us that we can trust EVERYTHING the Father does! Psalm 25:10 says, “ALL the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful. In Psalm 33 David goes on to give a bit of a resume for His Word. It’s as if He is saying, “Here is why we can trust His Word.
- Verse 6, he spoke, and the heavens were created. He breathed the word and all the stars were born.
- Verse 7, he assigned the seas their boundaries, He locked the ocean in their reservoirs,
- verse 9, when he spoke, the world began and appeared as he commanded.
David continues, Psalm 33:11, “The Lord’s plans stand firm forever. His intentions can never be shaken.” What the Father intends to do can not be shaken. We know from Jer 29:11 that the plans He has for us are good plans. They are plans for a future and a hope! But, that doesn’t mean that His plan does not include hardship, or trials. Simply that the end goal in everything He is doing is good, and we can trust Him!
Along with Psalm 33 I also read 2 Chronicles 7 this morning. It’s the story of the Father’s response to Solomon’s dedication of the Temple. 2 Chron 7:14 is very familiar, “Then if you who are called by my name will humble themselves, pray, and seek my face, and turn from your sin, I will hear…” But, I don’t think I ever noticed verse 13. Here’s what verse 13 says, “At times, I might shut up the heavens so that no rain falls, or command grasshoppers to devour your crops or send plagues among you.”
When Solomon finished the dedication of the temple, the Father gives him this warning. “At times, I may send hardship.” He doesn’t say here that he will do this as a judgment. This was not the judgment, that came later (2 Chron 7:19-21) He just says, “At times, I may just do this…” He states that His purpose is to cause his people to humble themselves, pray, seek his face, and turn from their wicked ways. It’s our gift, to keep us seeking him. Like he said in Psalm 33:4, we can trust everything he does. In Ps 33:11, the Lord’s plans stand firm.
He did assign boundaries for the sea, and he keeps the ocean in its place. (Ps 33:7), famine, locusts, and plagues (2 Chronicles 7:13) are under his control, and so are the events in our lives! The good plan that stands firm, His purpose, is to humble us, cause us to pray and seek his face, to keep us dependent on Him.
In him alone, we should place our hope and our trust.
- Depending on the resume of his Word. He spoke and it happened.
- Believing in His power. His power is greater than the best equipped troops
- Resting in his plan. Everything he does is good! His intentions and his plans can never be shaken.
I am bring these things to the Father on your behalf today, as I do the same for myself.
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