Thanks so much for praying for us over the past couple of months. DJ’s trip to Florida for annual IT team meetings in April went well. Since then, he’s been continuing on with managing the network for our mission’s home office and helping out with providing support for the networks at several missionary training centers. In the evenings and on weekends, he works on gardening and other projects around the place here.

Jennifer finished up an editing project for the culture & language acquisition development team and is awaiting the next set of edits to enter or content to write as the project progresses. She also has been helping a coworker back in Asia to think through goals and a plan for her next year of culture & language learning. And berry season and the peach harvest have been in full swing here, so there has been picking, processing, and canning to do.

Areli finished her second semester of college and is home for the summer. She has applied to both the RN and LVN nursing programs and is waiting to hear back. Due to limited resources, the local community college can only accept 20 applicants per year to each program so Areli is working on a back-up plan in case she doesn’t get accepted right away.

Galilee successfully went off one medication that was causing some side effects. Recently the migraines have worsened again, but that seems likely to be due to seasonal allergies rather than having gone off the medication. In any case, it continues to be a very difficult situation and we appreciate your ongoing prayers.

Tyndale finished his sophomore year of high school and is looking forward to a trip to the Pacific Northwest with his Geoforce group for a week this summer.

Thank you all so much for praying for us, supporting us, and encouraging us. May the Lord bless each of you.
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