Thank you so much for praying for us over the past month. Galilee had a botox treatment as scheduled. The neurologist agreed that there isn’t much reason to be on so many medications if the migraines have stayed about the same. So Galilee has gone off one medication already, and will probably go off the others one at a time while monitoring to make sure the migraines at least don’t worsen. This has been a long road, and we are so thankful to all of you who have not grown weary in lifting up this need to the Lord with us.

DJ will have IT team meetings in Florida next week. Pray that the meetings will be profitable as well as a good time of fellowship as most team members work remotely and rarely have the opportunity to connect face-to-face.

Jennifer had the opportunity to remotely teach an initial kick-off for a new team from the island where we used to serve. This team is made up of one local family and one American family. They are in the process of moving into a remote village to learn an ethnic language and culture so they can eventually share the Good News there. Pray for these two families and their young children (7 in total between the two families) as they make this huge move.

Areli and Tyndale are staying busy with college and high school activities respectively. Tyndale has been having at least one trip per week for FFA competitions. Areli is currently looking into possible internships for the summer.

DJ has gotten most of our garden planted, and has been building bee boxes as we plan to start keeping bees this spring.

Thanks again so much to all of you who pray for and support us. God bless each of you.
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