What a privilege it is to know all of you. The blessings that we have received from you all usually comes to mind when we return home from a trip and have time to dwell on them but those very trips always make us grateful to be partners together with you. Thank you all for all your prayers and financial support over the years.
This past semester has been so busy it has been hard to keep up with it all. When we asked you to pray in a previous letter that the Lord would find the right connections for us, we did not realize how faithfully He would answer your requests. Just to recap where we have been, it was all over the U.S. We traveled to:
January February March April May June
Ohio Oklahoma Missouri Central Kansas Alaska Alaska
Indiana Missouri Wisconsin NE Kansas SC Missouri
Kansas Wyoming Illinois Missouri EC Missouri
Missouri Missouri Pennsylvania SW Kansas E Missouri
Oklahoma Michigan
We are thankful to say that not much grass was able to grow under our feet and we were able to meet with several who are seriously considering coming into NTM and others who have already made the decision. One of the couples had some school debts that needed to be paid off before they could come in and it was paid off by someone who wants them to reach tribal people. Thank you Lord.
Cheryl and I just returned from an Enrichment Conference hosted by NTM for those missionaries home from the field or stationed here on home staff. It was great to see old friends and co-workers and catch up on what the Lord is doing in their works around the world. It was a blessing to be surrounded by so many who have relinquished their right to do with their lives as they see fit. It reminded me of Paul who, as Saul of Tarsus, met the Lord Jesus on the road to Damascus. When he found out who it was he was persecuting he asked the only logical question a person could ask, which is; “What would you have me to do?” It was great to hear from them and some of the testimonies of the tribal people.
At the end of this month I will be heading to Oshkosh, WI again to help out NTM Aviation at the EAA Airventure airshow. NTMA will have its own tent and we will get to visit with a lot of potential pilots and churches. Please pray that the Lord will bring the right people to us who are interested in tribal evangelism but able to use their skills in aviation, aircraft maintenance, avionics and so on to provide a much needed lifeline for the missionaries who live in the bush.
Transportation Report
As you all know, the work we do involves a lot of travel. Since 2008, we have put on about 175,000 miles on our cars, 75% of that being ministry miles. We don’t see a need to replace our vehicles yet but we are getting to the point where things are going to need the usual repair and replacement. Brakes, bearings, axles, belts and so on are the usual things that are needed. Could you please pray with us to get these things taken care of. I have a lot of traveling to do this Fall and it would be good to get these things taken care of before the season starts. Thanks so much.
Final Thoughts
Cheryl and I are very grateful for your ministry in our lives. We appreciate the care and prayers you have sent up for us and we trust that in the days ahead and in the eternity to come, we all will be privileged to see how, by working together, we were able to make a difference in the lives of tribal people. Thank you all.
Prayer Requests:
1. Repair of cars
2. Safety in travels
3. Finding laborers for the ministry
4. Good health