Doug & Cheryl Schaible are the Regional Representatives/Recruiters for Ethnos360 in the Central United States. Before ministering in this capacity, they served as church planters in Papua New Guinea in the Solong tribe.
If you would like for the Schaibles to come and share about missionary work among animistic cultures around the world, please contact them by clicking the link above.
The following avenues are some of the ways that they can be of service:
Perspectives Classes
Mission Conferences
Foundational Bible Teaching Seminars
Summer Camps
Bible Studies
Home Meetings
Awana Clubs
Wherever people want to hear about church planting in remote, unreached places around the globe.
If you would like to find out more about tribal church-planting, click on the Ethnos360 link at the top of the page and you will be taken to the website which explains nearly every question you might have to concerning our objective to establish A Thriving Church For Every People. If you have further questions, feel free to contact Doug and he will be happy to visit with you.
May the Lord guide us all as we work together to reach the world with the Gospel of the Grace of God.