June 2015
First of all, I would like to share with you a blessing that happened only a day or two after I sent out our last update. We were helping some friends pack up a truck for moving across the US, and they decided to give us their washer and dryer! We just could not believe […]
May 2015
Hi everyone! We send our greetings from McNeal, AZ from our “new” home! We thank the Lord for the beautiful home He has provided for us to live in. The couple that lived here before us loved the yard and we have a couple of peach trees, rose bushes, and other flowers sprouting up in […]
March/April 2015 Update
Hi, everyone! Our last update told you about our trip back to the US. After arriving into Wichita, the following week we were able to go be with our friends (Doc and Jeanne) in St Jo, MO; who is also the doctor who has been helping me out with my health. He took most of my […]
Our NTM Aviation ministries locations over the years.
1984 – 2003 Paraguay South America
2003 – 2005 McNeal AZ NTMA International Headquarters
2005 – 2006 Mozambique Africa
2006 – 2007 McNeal AZ NTMA International Headquarters
2007 – 2015 Bolivia South America
2015 NTM Aviation International headquarters McNeal AZ