We had a great time in Nicaragua with Brett and Debby and the family. We accomplish some goals with the twins, and they are now sleeping pretty much through the night. YAY! Now Debby and Brett can get a good night’s sleep as well! Our two weeks there were well spent, and we enjoyed great family times on trips to the ocean (Pacific) and waterfalls, and lookout towers. We met many of Brett and Debby’s friends. George even got to “sample” how a Nicaraguan root canal goes. The Twins turned one on January 26.
Now we are home, and will put away the Christmas decorations and get back in the swing of things. Our offices are schedule
to move to our new building on February 9 and 10. We will
be on the 4th floor on the south west corner of the building.
We even have windows! (We haven’t since 2004,
when we moved into our present office.)
There is great news from the mission fields. Here are a few snippets.
The Mxx Bxxxxx people in PNG: We are getting so close to the end of this first phase ofteaching. Right now the people are hearing all about Jesus and His work here on earth in the lead up to His death. It has been really exciting to finally get to this point.” (That week they covered part of Jesus’ ministry – His calming of the sea, the healing of the demon possessed man – only He can deliver us! Through the feeding of the 5000, Jeff tried to communicate that we and they couldn’t DO anything to get right with God. Jeff introduced the different names Jesus taught – I am the Bread of Life, the true Shepherd, the Only door, the Truth, the Life.)
“There have been a number of distractions this week with visits to the village from agricultural officers and a religious group. (The missionaries continue visiting around to make sure folks are understanding. ) One visit this week was especially encouraging. The wife of one of the younger guys who had been sitting listening carefully as I read again Jesus words to Nicodemus about being born again suddenly spoke up. She was very nervous, but clearly in her own words expressed that she believed Jesus words and that she understood that she needed only to believe in Him.
“There have been quite a few who have said similar things as we get around and visit. It’s still early days though. While we are excited by these things, we cannot underestimate the size of the shift which has to take place in their thinking, and we recognize that it will take time for people to assimilate what they are hearing and to believe. For many this is a painful process as they discover all of the cult work they have been so heavily invested in for so many years has not helped them at all.
For those of you who pray – keep it up!! This time is an unsettling time for many, but they stand to gain so much.
2. The Ixxx people of Papua New Guinea start hearing the
Chronological Bible teaching Feb 6th!
3. Amy and Hector have returned to the Training center in Missouri. She is still teaching the 3-5 year old class, and Hector is in Missionary Training classes. There is so much to learn, and it is overwhelming at times. Please pray for him to be able to assimilate it all! (language and culture are still very different for him.)
Thanks so much for your prayers for us, while we were in Nicaragua. God gave amazing wisdom, and the strength we needed for our time there. We appreciate your continued prayers as we move on into new areas here in Sanford; new office building, which presents a totally new dynamic in our work place. We pray for wisdom and grace to accept the changes and be diligent in our work.
We appreciate you so much!
George and Linda Heckman
Member Services NTM US
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