We know that life on this earth is not eternal. And praise God for that! After 30 years of struggling with sickness, my mom has said goodbye to her temporary earthly home and been welcomed to eternal life in paradise with Jesus. What a blessing to be able to celebrate this with her for over a month before she died. We talked about so many things…what heaven might be like, what it might be like to never struggle to breathe again, to never hurt again, to never cry again, to never sin again! We talked about what it might be like to come face to face with a Savior who had died a criminals death for you…if you would run to embrace him or if you would fall at his feet. We talked about so many things and then we said good-bye. Daddy and I sang “Victory in Jesus” as she took her last breath. Praise God for my mom and praise God for eternal life in Jesus Christ!
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