Matthew 28:19 in GOD’S WORD Translation reads:
“So wherever you go, make disciples of all nations…”
There’s no limit to that command, no boundary or border we can cross that relieves us from the responsibility to carry it out…no, it says wherever. So, yeah, I’m “just” a mechanic, but missionary aviation is about more than just airplanes, it’s about being engaged for God’s glory wherever we are.
This week we jumped into the second phase of our foundational Bible teaching with our national friends and co-workers out at the hangar. When I say jumped in “with,” I mean just that. When we sat down together it wasn’t a western missionary teaching and leading the discussion, no, it was our dear brother in Christ (Bonn) who grew up in church here in PNG, but who only began to clearly understand the gospel message a few years ago when he himself had the opportunity to go through this same teaching.
What a privilege this is…
It’s a privilege to be part of the Lord’s work here in PNG and see disciples making disciples.
It’s a privilege to sit under the teaching of this godly man, learning how to communicate our Father’s truth more clearly in a completely different cultural context.
It’s a privilege to be stretched and encouraged as Bonn shares the wisdom the Lord has poured into him over the years.
It’s a privilege to work alongside someone who’s not only incredibly passionate about God’s Word, but who also has an unquenchable thirst to see his people have the opportunity to hear and respond to the matchless gospel of grace.
Would you pray with us as our small group at the hangar goes through this study? Some of the folks eagerly accepted the initial teaching from creation to Christ, but the harsh realities of life in this area and long-held beliefs steeped in animism have left them with some tough issues still to be worked through.
Would you also pray with us as Bonn prepares to leave his position with NTM PNG to partner with believers back in his home area to take the foundational Bible teaching to areas that may have churches, but still lack the Truth. It won’t be an easy or popular road to walk, but may he walk it filled with the Lord’s strength and wisdom as did the first disciples more than 2,000 years ago.
To God be the glory!