New Tribes Missionaries shares not only the gospel but their own lives as well as we see played out before us in I Thessalonians chapter two. Look at how Paul says it so well. “So affectionately longing for you, we were well pleased to impart to you not only the gospel of God, but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us.”
New Tribes missionaries give years of their life learning an unwritten language mixed with a culture so different than our own. The gospel is given to them in their own language pure and true to the culture they live. Missionaries teach them to read and write the language so they will be able to read the Bible that is being translated in their mother tongue representing more hours of missionary life giving.
Many hours go into Bible lessons that will be taught from Genesis to Revelations laying a foundation for the church to be built on. All this is being approved as Paul mentioned in verse four, “But as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, even so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God who tests our hearts. New Tribes Mission goes to great lengths to see this happen before we preach the gospel to these people that have become dear to us. A wise man once said, “You cannot give them what you do not have.”
More years of our lives will be given after the church is born, hour upon hour will be needed to disciple them in walking in fellowship with the Lord day by day. We find faithful men and teach them how to teach others and we need to be an example to them with our own walk with the Lord. Yes we give them more than the gospel; we give them our lives as well.
Paul says in verse five that he had at no time used flattering words and neither do I as the need for labourers is presented here. We need men and women that can be taught to teach others and for the joy set before them take that message to the ends of the earth, enduring the hardship and pain that go with getting the pure gospel message to the unreached around the world.
The call from God is there in the word “go” and if we meet the qualification for doing mission work we no longer have excuse for not going. What do we receive when we give it all and follow Jesus? Check out what Jesus told Peter when he said to Him, “See we have left all to follow you, what will we have?” Matthew 19:27-30. Check it out then check out New Tribes Mission and find your fit.
Becky Kirkpatrick says
Jack and Janie, and their family were born to do the work all their lives, they are truly GODS workers.