The pilot loaded the Cessna 185 with our four small boys, a few supplies then Janie and I. Leaving the end of the runway behind we made a hard left turn and headed over the Mountains through a gap that put us over a large river that runs through the valley on its way to the coast. I could not believe it; we were in Papua New Guinea headed for the Sepik River a dream come true.
In early 1977 I could not wait to get into a tribe and get started doing what we had come to this great country to do, be a part of the greatest job ever, reaching the unreached with the gospel. Like many places I have been in Papua New Guinea the valley below had its pull on me as we made our way out of the mountains.
I will never forget watching my second son Bill pull himself up looking out the window to what lay below, not knowing then this would one day be his home as he and his family worked with the people below. I did not get to work in this valley but my son along with several others missionaries and the national people are making changes; they are coming from darkness into the light of the gospel and yes we thank all that have had a part in this great effort.
The job is getting done but New Tribes Mission could use more people, people that feel the pull from obeying the mission call given to the church in Matthew 28. Jesus has spoken, if you want to be my disciple, follow me and I will make you fishers of men. What a joy serving Him that said, “Go.” Jack