AND Happy to be Home Again!
I have returned from my building trip safely! We went into repair a house that had been taken over by rats for many months. The damage to the house was quite extensive but repairs were made and the house was sealed with metal siding. There were also people on our team that cleaned and cleaned for the week we were there to make the house livable again. The missionary family is due back from their home assignment in the next few months. It was so nice to be able to finish the job and be a help to the missionary team and return home a week later!
It was a great experience to get into a tribe that has had missionaries in it for quite some time. I got to meet some believers in Christ who live incredibly different from me but we both worship the same God. It was a joy to meet these believers and hear about some of their struggles and problems and see life from their point of view. I heard an interesting cultural story…a young Christian man who wanted to get married was not able to find a woman who is also a Christian. I learned that this young Christian wondered how, even if he does find a godly young woman, he will be able to come up with the money to buy her. It is such a foreign concept that we would have to wait on the Lord for money to buy a wife! It was exciting to hear how he now understands that his wife is a person and not a possession. All us humans are truly blind and deaf as Jesus told us in the gospels and it is amazing to watch as the gospel digs into hard hearts and tears the blindness out and changes cultures from darkness to light.
We were very encouraged and excited to welcome back the first group of missionaries, returning from the US! They had a lot more paperwork to sort through to return, and they are now in quarantine in their homes. But they are back! We are thankful that NTM PNG is an approved quarantining facility for the PNG government so that more of our missionaries can return in the next weeks and months!! And school is scheduled to start on Sept 14th!
Please continue to pray as PNG has had many more cases of Covid pop up in the capital city recently. This has not affected us very much here in our area. Please pray that Covid doesn’t spread to the rest of PNG and that all of these people will recover, as the first 11 cases did earlier in the year.
We look forward to returning home to North America for Christmas! Thank you all for your continued prayers for us! We would love to hear from you and learn how God is teaching you through this crazy year!
lice and ivermectin
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