Hi, my name is James, and I want to serve God. Technology is the link between my need to serve God and need of unreached people to hear about God.
There are many ways to measure life achievement such as income, level of education, or number of friends. God has something particular in mind for His servants. I Corinthians 4:1-2 sets the standard here:
“This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found trustworthy.”
This is such a challenge. If God had set a number, I could work all night to get the best score to brag to all my friends. Or I could put in my minimum hours and spend my free time making myself happy. Or maybe I could just put it off until it was a little more urgent. Instead, faithfulness is measured as an attitude toward God each moment. The skills, opportunities, resources, and time that He has graciously granted can be used with a selfish attitude or with intent to worship God.
This is such an encouragement. It’s easy to compare myself to better preachers, more enthusiastic evangelists, and missionaries in more remote areas and feel like I can never measure up. But God has a role for everybody. Be faithful, glorify God in everything, because He promises to complete us “unto the measure of the stature of Christ.” (Eph. 4:13)
The gifts, skills, and opportunities that God has entrusted to me have a lot to do with computers. Technology from aviation to water filtration, from email to videocasting, is an important part of the support network that NTM’s church planters rely on in remote locations. During my upcoming assignment in Brazil, my standard before God is no more and no less than to be faithful to God.
I trust God to use the work of my hands to allow the growth of His church, even to the ends of the earth.