Outreach update
Bible teaching at the three outreach villages continue howbeit not without glitches along the way. Especially the latest due to how far away it is. Please pray that these challenges will be met through wisdom, dedication and strength from the Lord.
Another village that has been on our hearts for a long time is a small one about 30-40 minutes walk away from our own village area. After the Dom New Testament dedication Jim would like to start visiting this group of people and eventually, God willing, be invited to start teaching the Gospel there. Please pray with us regarding this.
Slow but steady interest in the Dom New Testament
After the initial distribution of the Dom New Testament to our literate Christian brothers and sisters, wider interest outside our church community has been slow but steady. Just recently a young fellow about 10 years old called Country Man (yes, that really is his name), came and asked for his own copy. He’s not the only young person to do so. What a joy and privilege to see this happen; the next generation of Dom people growing up with the Word of God in their own mother tongue, reading it and growing thereby.
Bible dedication plans underway
The Dom New Testament dedication is scheduled for August 26th and we are expecting a large turn out of local Dom people for the ceremony plus overseas visitors. We will be packed out indeed. Please pray for our native church leadership as they undertake all the hard work and organizing involved. Pray for unity of hearts and minds. (Building the Grand Stand.)
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