Did you hear that I am going to Thailand?!? It is such a blessing from God. The trip came about really quickly and in a way that only God could make happen. We found out on the day we moved that I was going. However with everything going on in our life it is not until I started packing that the reality of Thailand sank in. I am so excited! So here is a little bit of the details about my trip.
I am enrolled in a class that provides training in the language program we are using. I will be staying at a retreat center and will be in class most of the time with breaks here and there. I am excited about the training, even though I know it will be a lot of work. This will train me to be able to assist others who are learning French (or maybe another language). Our language consultant will be in Canada for 6 months and this training will prepare me to help those who are learning French while he is gone.
I leave on Wednesday and will be gone for over 2 weeks.
The Amazing Part
One of my closest friends, Amy, is going to the same training! Amy and her husband have opened up the field in Tanzania. They have people arriving to the field in January and she needs to be trained to help them learn Swahili. We both have gone through very similar struggles and challenges this past year. It will be great to have the time together! I can’t tell you how excited I am.
My Worries
Well this is my first time traveling internationally by myself. I am sure it will be fine, but I am realizing how comforting it is to have company when traveling to foreign places in unknown languages. My main worry is our family being separated. Joel is a fully capable Dad and I know he will do great. It is just always difficult being a single parent and the boys have been through a lot of transition recently, so I am praying that God will strengthen them all during this time.
An Added Blessing
I was worrying about the boys and then God sent me a small reminder that he was in control and taking care of my family better than I could. We found out that a family has just recently come out of the village because the wife is going to have a baby. This family has boys the same age as our kids and they have hit it off really well. I think this extra entertainment will be a huge blessing while I am gone.
A Break
This is a longer break from language and ministry than we had hoped for, but our host family is gone during the same time which limits the progress we can make anyway. We are hoping to hit the ground running when I return as we begin to put together all the pieces of our life and ministry here. We hope to begin language training and to set up a schedule with our host family that will maximize the amount of time that we can have with them. There is a lot of unknowns in all of that, but I am learning to live with unknowns and trust that the pieces, which are out of our control, will get put in place.
Chelle says
I’m praying a special grace upon the boys with you gone and strength for Joel and refreshment and peace for you, Andi!
Jane Van Ryn says
Couldn’t have said it any better than Leanne. We’ll be praying for all four of you.
Leanne Duke says
You are going to have such a great time! In all the chaos and change, it looks like things are coming together. It’s that in between time, when jumping from one trapeze swing to another, when both hands are empty and poised to grab onto what will carry you through, THAT time can be exhilaratingly challenging. God has the swings all perfectly timed. Praying that you can rest and trust as you are suspended in air for a season.