Another Week – Another Lesson
We are blessed to have a water tank. Really we have two, one for normal use and one for when water is really bad. Not everyone in our neighborhood is that lucky, so when there is no water we often have neighbors and friends come by to fill up buckets of water. This is one real practical way that we can help those who live around us.
Last week water was particularly bad. So bad that for the first time in a while we had to use our second tank. I was watching our water level throughout the day to make sure we had enough left for baths at the end of the day and so that we wouldn’t run out. Then there was a knock at the door. It was a friend who was out of water and had brought some buckets to fill up. I didn’t want to answer the door, because if I gave her water we might run out. It was at this moment that I was faced with the ugly truth. I was willing to generously give as long as I wasn’t sacrificing anything. God has always provided for us, but yet I still hesitate to trust him when the reserves are low. God sent me this gentle reminder that I need to be willing to give even when the reserves are low and that I need to trust that he will provide for us in the time of need. It is not an easy lesson, but I am praying that God will help me to learn how to give not just generously, but sacrificially.
Jeannette Bessler says
Andi, count me among those who have to work in this area. It is not easy sometimes to trust God to provide in all situations–even though we know he will.
Hugs to all of you!
Carolyn Gaupo says
I’m going to share this with my Bible Study group. It fits right in with our lesson in James. Funny how the Lord does that isn’t it. I’m studying it and you are living it and share it with us. A double whammy!
Thanks again for always making your blog so full of real life lessons for us.
Carolyn Gaypo
Jane Van Ryn says
You are right on! Thanks for the reminder. Some of us think we have learned all the lessons–but–guess what–we haven’t!
Lauri Amandus says
What a great reminder to me today. I am this way so often and I need to keep this in the fore front of my daily activity. True giving is when we give until it makes us happy and then a little more, all while trusting God knows just what we need. Super illustration Andi. This one will preach.
Chelle says
Such a great distinction between merely giving generously and giving sacrificially. So helpful and a great reminder to us all. Thank you. I am praying for you all and that the Lord will provide for you and that he will do amazing things through your sacrifice in the hearts and lives of the people around you. Your sacrifices have eternal repercussions. I love you!
Julianna says
“I was willing to generously give as long I wasn’t sacrificing anything.” Such an honest way to analyze ourselves — myself. Thank you, Andi. Hugs across the ocean!
Mike Pinkerton says
A lesson we all need to learn. Thanks for the gentle reminder here as well.
Barb Griffin says
Oh how true. I’m still working on the samething. I know God provides but it’s easy to not allow Him to provide.
Elizabeth Honeycutt says
Thank you for that thought, Andi. It’s true of so many things beyond water (though that’s a huge one for you!): time, energy, money, talents. Thank you for a good challenge to consider.
Ken Pitcher says
Thanks for your honesty, Andi. Andrea and I love following you and Joel and watching God not only use you but gently and consistently make you more like Jesus through it all. So thankful for you both.