Even with all the adventures we have had, I still get nervous when we face the next. Not nervous about whether we will make it through, but what it will require to make it to the other side. Butterflies still mount as I prepare to leave. A night in the village with our host family, which will be a first for me. So many questions that run through my head:
Where will I sleep? Will I even sleep? What will I end up having to eat and not to mention drink? Will the dancing go late into the night? When will the end be in sight? What type challenges will the preparation work hold? Will I know correctly what is my role?
The questions are still there and can go round and round. Only now I know that as much as I search, no answer can be found. So in case you doubt or think we are above the nerves. I thought I would write before a big event to show that we are no different from the rest. The first time is always the worst as we often have no idea what to expect, but stumbling through the first door teaches how to walk through the next. One thing we have learned is that no matter what the adventure holds, our God is big enough to carry us through the waves of the storm.
Michelle says
Thanks for being honest. Praying for you!
Jeannette Bessler says
Dear Andi,
The Lord will fulfill your need. It is ok to feel nervous. I’ll bet your dad felt nervous plenty of times when he preached, or when they brought him and your mom foster kids in the middle of the night. Just like your dad and mom, you and Joel are in the center of the Lord’s will.
Prayers and Hugs,
Aunt Patti says
I have a saying that I am know for Andi, and I will pass it on to you in hopes that it will help you too, even if it’s just a smile. Having had numerous sleepless nights for various reasons, I had to adjust my attitude and mindset, so as not to stress about it, so without further ado, here it is: “it’s not about sleeping, it’s all about resting.” If you get up after a sleepless night, but were able to lie down, close your eyes, and remain in a prone position for several or more hours, then you too can say, “I had a really good rest.” I know it’s very simplistic, but it totally removed the stress for me of not getting any sleep. Let me know if it works, but I’ll still pray that you can sleep. Now the food and drink- that’s an entirely different matter! Or smells!
Mary Fox says
I can do all this through him who gives me strength – PH 4:13
. . .for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose – PH 2:13
I know that you know these scriptures well. But, they are a comfort each time they are read.
Praying for you and thanking GOD for the excellent work you are doing for Him.