Our church tried something new this year and had a service completely run by our children. The goal was to show our kids that church is about them too and also to help remind the adults that our kids are growing in their walk with the Lord as well. As part of the Sunday School Teacher team, I helped to organize and put this together. The kids got together multiple times over a few weeks to practice and prepare. They were all really excited for the day. They handled all parts of the service except the message which was brought to us by one of the teachers who works with our kids.
Shar says
Thank you for this glimpse of the children at worship and the hope it gives us as we pray on for the young people!
Stacy Burrus says
What a wonderful idea and a great way to see how God is engaging their hearts. “Let the little children come to me”.
Thanks for sharing
Carolyn Gaupo says
What a neat idea. I remember something very similar we did when I was a youngster. I had forgotten about it until reading your letter. In our case though we gave the message too. Our youth conducted the entire service, from the welcoming, the announcements, worship an giving to the message. We divided that into 4 five minute messages so as not to intimidate any one kid too much. One year I was even one of the 4 chosen to speak. Wow was I proud. It was a great experience. So I commend you for giving the kids this great opportunity. It reminds them and the adults that worshipping God and growing in our faith and exercising out testimony is something that can and should be done by all age groups.