July brought my parents and nephews to Senegal. It was a great time together as a family. This is my parents 3rd visit to Senegal so we decided to take them on a trip with us. We took them down the southern part of Senegal to visit 2 families who are working there. It was a great opportunity for them to get a picture of what travel and ministry is like for us. They did special things with the kids from these families while we met with the parents to encourage them in their ministries. It was a great time all around.
We traveled through the Gambia and experienced all the boarders with them
We drove across the new bridge for the first time, saving us at least 4 hours on the trip
We spent hours in the car together watching the scenes around us
While we were away my parents did crafts with kids
And Isaac made them all balloon animals
They saw unique aspects of life here And experienced other new things
So many new things All in one trip
We watched Senegal lose in the last game of the world cup together, with the radio to fill us in when the power cut came
We ended with treating the families to a day at the pool
After this trip we took a week vacation and sent time together relaxing at the beach before they had to say goodbye and return back to the US. Since we spend so much time apart these moments together are always so special. We are so grateful for the time we had together and it was definitely a highlight of our summer.
We played games
Relaxed together
And had fun riding the currents
There were traditions to uphold
And new adventures to be had
It was a memorable time that we will always hold on to
Wonderful time with your family and friends. Thanks for sharing the details with us. Bless you all.