I’m tired these days. You probably are too. But I think I know of some people who might be wearier than us both. The believers in Asia that Bethany and I have been helping to equip in the training program that started back in June are downright exhausted.
These dear friends and fellow members of the Body of Christ were faithful in walking with God in, let’s just say, less than friendly circumstances when it comes to religious freedom. They live in economically depressed parts of their countries and everyday life carries much more challenge for them than it does for us.
Add to that the ravaging effects of COVID-19 and you have people almost at a breaking point. But wait, they all embarked on a two-year training journey with us and have been completing college-level courses online in a language that’s not their first language.
They’re tired. They have every reason to be.
Fortunately, they have a long break coming up too. They’re a week away from what will be an 11-week break between the class they’re in and the next one, a class on the sweetest book in scripture, the book of Romans.
Honestly, many are weary and even contemplating stepping out due to the load. So, let’s band together to pray for these men and women. Let’s ask the Lord:
- To give them rest during this break
- For clarity on whether it’s just tiredness suggesting they step out or really the Lord’s leading
- That they would continue to realize His sufficient grace in their circumstances
These students are sweet folks, men and women, Dads, and Moms who we would love to see finish this program and get this training. They need our prayers right now!