We always enjoy having visitors stop in. Most of the spiders that come by
for a visit are not nearly as colorful as this guy.
We also had a very nice weekend with Anja, who works in our Manila office,
and John, who works in our Florida, USA office, along with John’s daughter,
Joy. We really appreciate all of those who serve us so that we are able to
live out here among the Isnag. We are happy they had a chance to come and
see what the Lord is doing here.
Next week Heidi and I will be going out to town to prepare for our annual
field conference, so this week we are rushing to get as much done as
possible before leaving. These ladies are helping me by comprehension
testing 16 chapters of Genesis. They are doing a great job and I’m thankful
that they are willing to take a few days to give me a hand.
Prayer Requests:
That Thomas will settle well in Oregon
That we will find the right words in order to clearly and accurately
translate God’s word.
That our field conference will be a blessing and encouragement to our
That the Mindanao helicopter will have all its papers and be able to fly by
the end of the week.
God bless,
Jonathan & Heidi