Most folks these days just don’t look at their house with a critical eye.
If they did, they might notice that it is a bit too tall or would be better
positioned on the property a few feet one way or the other, or maybe even
oriented in a different direction. I don’t want to call most people lazy,
but even if they do notice, most people do nothing about these obvious
All of our Isnag friends are very industrious but last week’s industrious
award goes to our neighbor Andy. He decided that his house needed all of the
alterations mentioned above and did something about it. For those of you
that are inspired by this story I will leave you with three practical tips
that I learned from observing the process. First, your house will be a lot
easier to move if you take the siding off first. Second, if a shorter house
is desired, cut the same amount off of each corner. (note: this also works
for chairs.) And third, make sure you check with your wife before
reorienting your house or shortening your chairs.
Prayer Requests:
- Praise the Lord that our last two months in the village went very well and
we were able to get all of the needed Old Testament portions rough drafted. - Praise the Lord that our team had a safe trip out to town.
- Please pray for our friends in the village while we are gone. Pray that
they are safe and healthy and that they will continue to study God’s word
while we are out at town.
Thank you for your prayers,
Jonathan & Heidi