Believe it or not, but this might actually be a microscopic picture taken of my brain cells this past week. They were busy thinking about the things that were going on: the water pipe to the village broke, a pipe in my office started leaking. I suspect that the leak had something to do with my cutting into the pipe, but I’m not sure. Language helpers were checking Romans 1-3, an elderly man wanted a medical flight so we scheduled one for him, but he was feeling better so he decided not to go, so we told the pilot that he was not going, then he decided he would go. etc. etc. etc.
After my language helpers work over a section of Romans, Heidi’s ladies Bible study goes over it as well. Heidi sits in the background much of the time and listens to the discussion. It is a joy to see God’s word communicating on its own.
Longtime friends, Andrew and Megan Smith along with their four kids, have come in for a four-day visit. In 2013, they spent three months living in our house here while we were assigned to Manila. They have many friends here and are an encouragement to the people here. Everyone is enjoying their visit.
Prayer Requests:
* Please pray for the translation team as we work through the precious truth in the book of Romans.
* Please pray that I will be able to continue making progress on the translation even though I will be preparing the weekly messages for the next 7 months.
God bless,
Jonathan & Heidi