Our goal as a missionary family is to be part of God’s work in Mexico: extending the reach of the Gospel, and specifically planting mature churches that will continue reaching others. We work with a team of partners who stand with us in that effort: people who faithfully pray for us, encourage us, and give toward this ministry’s financial needs.
From time to time, we are asked how our support stands – and we want to provide an easy way to find that information. This blog page will be updated approximately annually to reflect changes in our family’s monthly financial needs.

The green bar describes our current progress towards funding our ministry budget. Praise God for His faithful provision! When our ministry partners commit to financial partnership and start giving, you will see progress in the green section.
The red bar shows the amount remaining to fully fund our ministry’s monthly budgeted needs. Each area is an important part of the work we desire to see God accomplish, so we are trusting Him to fully fund His ministry as He works through us!