Hello! We hope you’ve all enjoyed the past summer and are looking forward to the coming fall! We are excited to share that in the past 2 months since we sent out our “GO FUND” letter, we have received OVER HALF of the needed amount towards our moving costs to Brazil! We are extremely grateful for all of you that have been able to give and for those who continually pray for us. God has truly blessed us with many generous friends and family members that are willing to share in the ministry He has for us.
Recently, we have been working with our travel agency and are in the process of getting our visas approved. We had to go to the Brazilian embassy in D.C. to submit our applications, please be praying that they will be accepted and processed in a timely manner. Once they are approved we will need to be able to purchase our airfare and leave within 90 days! We also ask that you keep our efforts to continue raising our needed support in your prayers as well, that we would follow God’s leading and trust completely. We only need around 12 more commitments from monthly supporters to be able to order our tickets, so if you have any referrals to churches or individuals we would be extremely thankful for them. Again, we thank you all for your prayers and support as they mean so much to us!
For His Glory,
Joseph & Erin Suttle