I’m calling the last week and a half “missionary senioritis.” It’s been ups and downs. Lots of feeling caught in-between two worlds. Home and not home. Almost there, but still here; yet not quite here either, because we’re almost there. It’s enough to make your head spin and your heart ache with confusion.
And just like anyone who’s ever been in school knows, the last little bit is the hardest. You just want to be done with where you’re at, because summer is coming, and then the next adventure begins. We feel the same way.
Our lives and belongings are slowly filling the two suitcases, one trunk, two carryons, and two personal items (total) that we’re taking to Papua New Guinea. Everything is being carefully weighed and placed just so for maximum packing efficiency. Our calendar is full, and so are our hearts. And God is providing so much grace to cover it all.
We learned yesterday that our visas were approved and our passports are finally on their way back to us; we should have them tonight or tomorrow. This means that once they are in our hands we can purchase our tickets to Papua New Guinea! In just over 2 weeks, we should be boarding a plane to the Land of the Unexpected. UPDATE: Just 2 hours after I posted this, our visas arrived and we booked our tickets! It’s official, y’all – we’re going to Papua New Guinea in just over 2 weeks!
I thought that I would feel anxious when we got to this point. I thought that ache would form in my stomach, the tightness climb up my chest to suffocate me; but when Josh looked up from the phone yesterday and gave me a big thumbs up, I giggled and squealed with excitement (it was very dignified, you know, ahem). I think I even surprised him. Guys, that… that is what God’s grace looks like.
We’re not quite at our 75% minimum support yet, but we’re close. I know that we’ll get there, and hey, maybe we’ll even go above the minimum. All I know, is that God has always provided up until now, and I know He’ll continue to do that whether I’m on American soil, Papua New Guinean, or anywhere in between. Thank you for being a consistent part of our ministry and lives; for praying for and with us, for being excited with us, and for always giving grace for the ups and downs.
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