A few years ago I found out I had a joint mouse. That might sound made-up, but it’s what they call a little piece of broken stuff that’s floating around in one of the body’s joints…in my case, my knee. On March 2nd I went to Samachique, a small village in the mountains of northern Mexico.
The hospital mainly serves the Tarahumara people, but I was lucky enough to be taken as a patient. The doctor there has done surgeries on famous people and really knows his stuff.
The doctors successfully removed the “mouse” and sewed me back up. I wanted to take some pictures of the room I shared with about 7 tribal ladies, their babies, and in a few cases their husbands, but the Tarahumara aren’t big fans of having their pictures taken, so I controlled myself.
I spent a few days with a missionary family in the area so that I could recover and then flew back to Chihuahua. A few days later I flew back to my team in Durango.
My knee continues to ache some and be stiff from swelling. Thanks for your continued prayers as I get to work back in the tribe. Pray that I would be wise and not do too much right away. Thanks for praising God with me for this opportunity to get things patched up and that I didn’t have to leave Mexico!