Coming “Home”
Have you heard the song that goes “This world is not my home-I’m just a-passing through”? It reminds us of the time our 8-year-old asked what his home state is. He has lived more years in Papua New Guinea and Michigan than in Dad and Mom’s home state of California (or Missouri, where he was […]
Their turn at last!
On May 30th, Alex’s widow and children will begin hearing the Bible’s message clearly presented in their own language for the first time. Many of you will remember hearing Ken speak of the trips he took helping missionaries move in to a village in the Uriay language group. His first tribal friend, Alex, was eager […]
Starting a New Semester
Tuesday: August 18, 2009 Dear Praying Friends, This is an exciting week as the quiet summer days give way to the buzz of 160 students. We praise the Lord that half are new, an answer to prayer for enrollment to grow. Please pray for those who are counting on finding jobs in the area; as […]
Sending forth laborers
We just arrived back from a wonderful visit with my parents and sister down in Arkansas. We were able to visit our training center down at Lake of the Ozarks and speak in two separate churches along the way. It was a much needed rest after being surrounded by students all semester, but we are […]