It’s been a little over two weeks since Davis was born and he is doing well. He is up to about 5 lb. 5 oz., so he’s gained about 9 ounces. He is in an open crib and can keep himself warm now.
The main thing they are waiting on before sending us home is for him to be eating all on his own. Right now, he takes about 50% of his milk on his own, and the rest goes through his gavage tube. They want him to be at 100%.
Alisha and I have been staying at the Ronald McDonald house in Spokane for the last week. We are hoping we can take Davis home sometime next week. It could take a little longer, though, too.
I leave for my visa trip to AP in about a week. I hope to be there only two weeks. I don’t really want to leave with Davis just being born, but I don’t have much of a choice.
-Davis is gaining weight and doing very well
-Alisha’s blood pressure is down and she is healthy again
-Being able to stay at the Ronald McDonald house in town so we don’t have to drive so much
-Davis’ continued growth and development
-That my visa would be extended and I would be able to get back home in early July
-Alisha as she takes care of Davis and the kids while I am gone
The McIlroys