This industrious Tagbanwa tribal family is learning all they can as believers to be the best examples to their children.
Father of 13 children, Freddo, read in the Scripture that it is better to give than receive. So he gave mangos to the missionaries to express his appreciation to them.
“Thank you” Freddo said to the Brook and Pollock families , ” for coming to tell us about God. I know that you sacrifice when you leave your families to come to places like this to share God’s Word with us. My wife and I are doing all we can to reflect God to all our children. I want to be able to share with others … Just like you missionaries do. ”
I sat amazed by his faith as the missionary translated Freddo’s words for us. If we had more days here he would tell us how this lowly person, who had no faith in God — has now heard God\’s Word and is a child of God.
Freddo even thanked Dale Stroud and I for coming here, to take their pictures and pass on what God is doing among theTagbanwa to others in the world.
Missionary, Danny Brooks told him. ” Freddo, you are a blessing to the missionaries. You are a missionary and we can tell your story to others.”