You have been praying for the Uraiy. The missionary team has faithfully shared the story from Creation to Christ. The day arrived!
It was time to present the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. The whole village was there, plus some folks from the other two villages.
After the missionaries finished the skits about the death, burial, and resurrection, read the Scripture portions, and carefully explained God’s Salvation Plan, the Uriay were left to contemplate all they had seen and heard. After a short time, the missionaries talked with various people to see what they were thinking (they will eventually talk to everyone one on one).
One missionary shared, “I talked later with Dakruma – and she was beaming! She boldly talked about her trust in Christ’s shed blood for her sins! She was clear and confident that she was a child of God – and I had no doubt either! I had tears in my eyes as we talked – it was an incredible moment!”
As Noel hung on the make-shift cross during the skit, he thought about what Christ had done for him. Later he said, “I kept thinking about how Christ bore all this pain and punishment for my sins. He died and his blood was poured out to cover my sins. I am thinking with only one thinking about this talk, so I am in God’s canoe, now.”
God has built His church among the Uriays on September 8, 2010!
Thank you for being a part by praying! Rejoice! Now you have precious brothers and sisters in Christ among the Uraiy!