In the jungle town where Piapoco Bible translator, Reinaldo lives with his wife, Susana and their daughters, a group of Piapocos are hearing God’s Word taught in their own language. Tribal teachers, Reinaldo, Silvio and Walter are giving them the Biblical foundation they need to place their faith in the true God and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray many will put their faith in Christ.
Something new has been added. While the men teach the adults and teens, Susana is taking the children aside and teaching them the Bible lessons that missionary Wayne Gibson adapted from the adult foundational lessons. Susana is the first Piapoco teacher to use the children’s material. Missionaries, Wayne and Patsy Gibson, hope to encourage and train other Christian teachers to use the lessons, so that the Piapoco children will hear what the parents are hearing in a way they can understand and believe.