Wow! The last month has been busy! The best news is the rest of the new Tigak Scripture portions arrived and have been given to the Tigak church! Because there is now 68% of the Tigak New Testament in print we had to put the narrative portions (Genesis, Mark, Acts, and Revelation) in one book and the Epistles in another (all but four epistles and two gospels are now complete!) The believers were especially excited to have the book of Hebrews in their language. Paska says that Hebrews now makes sense to him! He has only had Hebrews in the national language of Melanesian Pidgin in the past to read. Since this is not his heart language it is much harder for him to understand.
We had a great time visiting with Kara Linn and Anthony during their time in the tribe. It was so good for Anthony to be able to see firsthand what life in a tribal setting might be like. Of course, every tribe is different but it was still a profitable time for them. Then we all traveled together to our main center for the Islands region of Papua New Guinea for our annual missionary conference. It was an encouraging time to see the other missionaries we work with but only see once a year and to be taught from the Word. Christina was able to be part of a team of high school students that came from her school to take care of the kids’ program so the missionaries could focus on learning from our amazing speaker! The Tigak team was also in charge of the teenagers so every evening we got to enjoy games and teaching times with 30 teenagers! It was fun to be able to share that time with Kara Linn and Anthony. They really enjoyed getting to meet some husband/wife translation teams and hearing how they work together to translate God’s Word into a tribal language.
Kara Linn and Anthony made it back to Texas. Ned and Garrett are back at home. Linn is up at our main center for New Tribes Mission in PNG where the kids go to school for education meetings. As soon as I get home to take care of Garrett – Ned will head out to another tribal work and check some Scripture portions for another missionary. They are getting very close to teaching the Gospel for the first time after many years of preparation and culture and language learning! We are excited to watch and see how the Lord is going to work in this tribe.
Thank you for standing with us! Pray for the Tigak believers as they are reviewing the truths of Romans! Also, please pray for Ned as he has a strenuous hike (April 18th in the USA) into the tribe where he will do a translation check and his 53 year old knees don’t really like it.
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