It has been a busy year with so much happening in the mission and in our lives. Some of the highlights of the year were: 1) We moved all the mission offices into the newly remodeled tower in downtown Sanford. 2) We changed our mission’s name from New Tribes to Ethnos360. 3)The old building sold!
We have spent much of the last few weeks cleaning out offices and apartments getting the old campus ready for the new owners. Also, we have had to move all of our maintenance shops across the street into what was our publications building. That was a big job and though our equipment and materials are over there, much of it is sitting on pallets and in big piles waiting for the day that we can remodel some and find places for everything. I did get the saw and other necessary tools up and running. Our winter volunteers have started to arrive and they will be a big help in getting set up again.
Thank you for praying for our ministry with New Tribes – now Ethnos360!
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